今週の研究室セミナー(水曜午前実施)の論文紹介の担当は化学生態学研究室修士二年の田中君で,紹介した論文は Malinowski et al. Gall formation in clubroot-infected arabidopsis results from an increase in existing meristematic activities of the host but is not essential for the completion of the pathogen life cycle. Plant J. in press でした.根瘤病のゴール形成機構に関しての論文です.
73. Kikuchi, Y. et al. Symbiont-mediated insecticide resistance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. in press.
74. Dick, R. et al. (2012). Comparative analysis of benzoxazinoid biosynthesis in monocots and dicots: independent recruitment of stabilization and activation functions. Plant Cell 24: 915–928.
75. Ye, M. et al. (2012). Silencing COI1 in rice increases susceptibility to chewing insects and impairs inducible defense. PLoS ONE 7: e36214.
76. Tian, D. et al. (2012). Salivary glucose oxidase from caterpillars mediates the induction of rapid and delayed-induced defenses in the tomato plant. PLoS ONE 7: e36168.
77. Zhang, S., Wei, J., and Kang, L. (2012). Transcriptional analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana response to lima bean volatiles. PLoS ONE 7: e35867.