
Wiwik さん帰国,今週の輪読

3 ヶ月間研究室で実験に取り組んでいたインドネシアのウダヤナ大学から来た Wiwik さんが,今日で研究を終えて明日インドネシアに帰国します.残念ながら,研究は試料の難しさもあってなかなか思うようには進みませんでした.帰国してからの研究がうまく進むことを祈ります.


218. Over, B. et al. Natural-product-derived fragments for fragment-based ligand discovery. Nat. Chem. in press.
219. Geng, X., Cheng, J., Gangadharan, A., and Mackey, D. The coronatine toxin of Pseudomonas syringae is a multifunctional suppressor of Arabidopsis defense. Plant Cell in press.
220. Miller, S.M., Samame, R.A., and Rychnovsky, S.D. Nanomole-scale assignment of configuration for primary amines using a kinetic resolution strategy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. in press.
221. Sánchez-Vallet, A. et al. (2012). Disruption of abscisic acid signaling constitutively activates Arabidopsis resistance to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Plant Physiol. 160: 2109–2124.
222. Liu, X. et al. (2012). Activation of the jasmonic acid pathway by depletion of the hydroperoxide lyase OsHPL3 reveals crosstalk between the HPL and AOS branches of the oxylipin pathway in rice. PLoS ONE 7: e50089.