
研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

今週の研究室セミナーでの文献紹介の担当は化学生態学研究室四年生の武井さんで,紹介した論文は Abe, H. et al. Disarming the jasmonate-dependent plant defense makes nonhost Arabidopsis plants accessible to the American serpentine leafminer. Plant Physiol. 163, 1242-1253 (2013) でした.シロイヌナズナのジャスモン酸非感受性変異体 coi1-1 が野生型は食害を受けないマメハモグリバエの食害を受けることになることについての報告です.今週で今年の研究室セミナーは終了です.今年度の文献紹介も終了で,年明けからは研究報告のみのセミナーを行います.

453. Nakano, H. et al. (2013). Isolation and identification of phenolic compounds accumulated in brown rice grains ripened under high air temperature. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 11921–11928.
454. Groen, S.C. et al. Pathogen-triggered ethylene signaling mediates systemic-induced susceptibility to herbivory in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell in press.
455. Xiao, J. et al. (2013). Rice WRKY13 regulates cross talk between abiotic and biotic stress signaling pathways by selective binding to different cis-elements. Plant Physiol. 163: 1868–1882.
456. Nishimura, T. et al. YUCASIN is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA(s), a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis. Plant J. in press.
457. Wankhede, D., Kumar, K., Singh, P., and Sinha, A. (2013). Involvement of Mitogen activated protein Kinase Kinase 6 in UV induced transcripts accumulation of genes in phytoalexin biosynthesis in rice. Rice 6: 35.