8/4(土)は農学部オープンキャンパスが開催されました.非常に暑い日でしたが,800 名以上の来場者があったようで,生物制御化学研究室の研究室見学にも多くのお客さんが来て,四年生や大学院生の説明を聞いてくれました.
今週の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は化学生態学研究室 4 年生の村上君で下記の論文を紹介しました.今週で夏休み前のセミナーは終了です.
1357. Pedras, M.S.C.C., and To, H.Q. (2018). Interrogation of biosynthetic pathways of the cruciferous phytoalexins nasturlexins with isotopically labelled compounds. Org. Biomol. Chem. 16: 3625–3638.
1358. Tian, L. et al. (2018). Comparative analysis of the root transcriptomes of cultivated and wild rice varieties in response to Magnaporthe oryzae infection revealed both common and species-specific pathogen responses. Rice 11: 26.
1359. Lu, X. et al. (2018). Inferring roles in defense from metabolic allocation of rice diterpenoids. Plant Cell 30: 1119–1131.
1360. Zhou, P., Mo, X., Wang, W., Chen, X., and Lou, Y. (2018). The commonly used bactericide bismerthiazol promotes rice defenses against herbivores. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19: 1271.
1361. Lu, H.-p. et al. (2018). Resistance of rice to insect pests mediated by suppression of serotonin biosynthesis. Nat. Plants 4: 338–344.