

今週はゴールデンウイークの谷間でしたが,暦通りに輪読は 3 回行いました.今週の輪読では下記の論文を取り上げました.

303. de Wit, M. et al. Perception of low Red:Far-red ratio compromises both salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid-dependent pathogen defences in Arabidopsis. Plant J. in press.
304. Jones, A.M. et al. In vivo biochemistry: applications for small molecule biosensors in plant biology. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. in press.
305. Su, Z.-Z. et al. (2013). Evidence for biotrophic lifestyle and biocontrol potential of dark septate endophyte Harpophora oryzae to rice blast disease. PLoS ONE 8: e61332.