先週水曜日の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は四年生の遠藤君で,紹介した論文は Kettles, G. J., Drurey, C., Schoonbeek, H.-j., Maule, A. J. & Hogenhout, S. A. Resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, involves camalexin and is regulated by microRNAs. New Phytol. 198, 1178-1190 (2013) でした. モモアカアブラムシに対するシロイヌナズナの抵抗性にフィトアレキシンであるカマレキシンが関与していて,その制御にはマイクロ RNA が関わっていることを報告した論文です.
315. Tan, J. et al. (2013). A genetic and metabolic analysis revealed that cotton fiber cell development was retarded by flavonoid naringenin. Plant Physiol. 162: 86–95.
316. Schmidts, V. et al. (2013). RDC-based determination of the relative configuration of the fungicidal cyclopentenone 4,6-diacetylhygrophorone A12. J. Nat. Prod. 76: 839–844.
317. Wang, C., Bao, Y., Wang, Q., and Zhang, H. Introduction of the rice CYP714D1 gene into Populus inhibits expression of its homologous genes and promotes growth, biomass production, and xylem fibre length in transgenic trees. J. Exp. Bot. in press.
318. Jung, E.S. et al. Metabolite profiling of the short-term responses of rice leaves (Oryza sativa cv. Ilmi) cultivated under different LED lights and its correlations with antioxidant activities. Plant Sci. in press.
319. Pajerowska-Mukhtar, K.M., Emerine, D.K., and Mukhtar, M.S. Tell me more: roles of NPRs in plant immunity. Trends Plant Sci. in press.