11/26 のセミナーでの文献紹介の担当は四年生の武山君で,紹介した論文は Ribot, C. et al. The Magnaporthe oryzae effector AVR1-CO39 is translocated into rice cells independently of a fungal-derived machinery. Plant J. 74, 1-12 (2013) でした.イネいもち病菌の非病原性エフェクタータンパク質 AVR1-CO39 がどのようにイネの細胞内に取り込まれるのかについての報告でした.
651. Kim, N.H., and Hwang, B.K. Pepper pathogenesis-related protein 4c is a plasma-membrane localized cysteine protease inhibitor that is required for plant cell death and defense signaling. Plant J. in press.
652. Ao, Y. et al. OsCERK1 and OsRLCK176 play important roles in peptidoglycan and chitin signaling in rice innate immunity. Plant J. in press.
653. Irmisch, S. et al. Herbivore-induced poplar cytochrome P450 enzymes of the CYP71 family convert aldoximes to nitriles which repel a generalist caterpillar. Plant J. in press.
654. Wouters, F.C. et al. (2014). Reglucosylation of the benzoxazinoid DIMBOA with inversion of stereochemical configuration is a detoxification strategy in lepidopteran herbivores. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53: 11320–11324.