今週で研究室セミナーは終了で,2/1 の修論提出やその後の修論・卒論発表会に向けて研究室が最後の追い込み期間に入っていきます.
1271. Khanam, S. et al. Mechanisms of resistance in the rice cultivar Manikpukha to the rice stem nematode Ditylenchus angustus. Mol. Plant Pathol. in press.
1272. Guo, L. et al. (2017). Echinochloa crus-galli genome analysis provides insight into its adaptation and invasiveness as a weed. Nat. Commun. 8: 1031.
1273. Shah, S.J. et al. (2017). Damage-associated responses of the host contribute to defence against cyst nematodes but not root-knot nematodes. J. Exp. Bot. 68: 5949–5960.
1274. Ding, Y. et al. (2017). Selinene volatiles are essential precursors for maize defense promoting fungal pathogen resistance. Plant Physiol. 175: 1455–1468.