木曜日の研究室セミナーの文献紹介の担当は修士 2 年の井上さんで,紹介した論文は Lina Gallego-Giraldo, Luis Escamilla-Trevino, Lisa A. Jackson, and Richard A. Dixon: Salicylic acid mediates the reduced growth of lignin down-regulated plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108, 20814-20819 (2011) でした.サリチル酸がリグニン生合成を抑制した植物の生長を制御するという内容の論文です.
189. Onrubia, M. et al. Coronatine, a more powerful elicitor for inducing taxane biosynthesis in Taxus media cell cultures than methyl jasmonate. J. Plant Physiol. in press.
190. Hayashi, S., Wakasa, Y., and Takaiwa, F. (2012). Functional integration between defence and IRE1-mediated ER stress response in rice. Sci. Rep. 2: 670.
191. Qin, J., He, H., Luo, S., and Li, H. (2013). Effects of rice-water chestnut intercropping on rice sheath blight and rice blast diseases. Crop Protection 43: 89–93.
192. Ding, B., Bellizzi, M.d.R., Ning, Y., Meyers, B.C., and Wang, G.-L. (2012). HDT701, a histone H4 deacetylase, negatively regulates plant innate immunity by modulating histone H4 acetylation of defense-related genes in rice. Plant Cell 24: 3783–3794.
193. Bae, N., Li, L., Lödl, M., and Lubec, G. (2012). Peptide toxin glacontryphan-M is present in the wings of the butterfly Hebomoia glaucippe (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109: 17920–17924.