
研究室セミナー & 今週の輪読

水曜日の研究室セミナーでの文献紹介の担当は修士一年の濱名君で,紹介した論文は Lang, M. et al. Mutations in the neverland gene turned Drosophila pachea into an obligate specialist species. Science 337, 1658-1661 (2012) でした.パキアショウジョウバエが特定のサボテンしか餌にできなくなった原因は脱皮ホルモンであるエクジソン生合成に関わる酵素遺伝子の変異であったという内容の論文です.

419. Takeuchi, H., Kato, H., and Kurahashi, T. (2013). 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole is a potent suppressor of olfactory signal transduction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 16235–16240.
420. Atwell, B.J., Han, W., and Scafaro, A.P. Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa? Plant Sci. in press.
421. Kain, P. et al. (2013). Odour receptors and neurons for DEET and new insect repellents. Nature 502: 507–512.
422. Barbieri, R.F., Lester, P.J., Miller, A.S., and Ryan, K.G. (2013). A neurotoxic pesticide changes the outcome of aggressive interactions between native and invasive ants. Proc. R. Soc. B 280: 20132157.
423. Höll, J. et al. The R2R3-MYB transcription factors MYB14 and MYB15 regulate stilbene biosynthesis in Vitis vinifera. Plant Cell in press.