1/31 は卒業論文発表会の要旨の締め切り,2/1 は修士論文の締め切りでした.修士論文発表会は 2/14,卒業論文発表会は 2/19, 20 の予定で,いよいよ残り時間が少なくなってラストスパートの時期になってきました.
1279. Meyer, J., Berger, D.K., Christensen, S.A., and Murray, S.L. (2017). RNA-Seq analysis of resistant and susceptible sub-tropical maize lines reveals a role for kauralexins in resistance to grey leaf spot disease, caused by Cercospora zeina. BMC Plant Biol. 17: 197.
1280. Liñeiro, E. et al. Phenotypic effects and inhibition of botrydial biosynthesis induced by different plant-based elicitors in Botrytis cinerea. Curr. Microbiol. in press.
1281. Ye, Z. et al. In planta functions of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes in the phytocassane biosynthetic gene cluster on rice chromosome 2. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. in press.
1282. Yang, T. et al. (2018). Stilbenoid prenyltransferases define key steps in the diversification of peanut phytoalexins. J. Biol. Chem. 293: 28–46.